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What is NATO.?

NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a military alliance based on the North
Atlantic Treaty which was signed on
4 April 1949. The NATO headquarters are in
Brussels, Belgium After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989,
the organization became drawn into
the Breakup of Yugoslavia in the
1990s which resulted in NATO's first military operations in Bosnia from 1991 to 1995 and later Yugoslavia in 1999. The September 2001 attacks signalled
the only occasion in NATO's history
that Article 5 of the North Atlantic
treaty has been invoked and
consequently the 11 September
attacks were deemed to be an attack on all nineteen NATO members After 11 September, troops were
deployed to Afghanistan under the
NATO-led ISAF and the organization
continues to operate in a range of
roles sending trainers to Iraq, assisting
in counter-piracy operations and most recently enforced a NATO-led no-fly
zone over Libya in 2011 in accordance
with UN SC Resolution 1973. The Berlin Plus agreement is a
comprehensive package of
agreements made between NATO and
the European Union on 16 December
2002. With this agreement the EU was
given the possibility to use NATO assets in case it wanted to act
independently in an international
crisis, on the condition that NATO itself
did not want to act—the so-called
"right of first refusal". There are currently 28 member states
of NATO, with the most recent being Albania and Croatia who joined in April 2009. The combined military spending of all
NATO members constitutes over 70%
of the world's defence spending. The
United States alone accounts for 43%
of the total military spending of the
world and the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy account for
a further 15%. In August 2008, Poland and the
United States signed a preliminary deal
to place part of the missile defence
shield in Poland that would be linked
to air-defence radar in the Czech
Republic. The proposed American missile
defence site in Central Europe is
expected to be fully operational by
2015 and would be capable of
covering most of Europe except parts
of Romania plus Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. In response, Russian Prime Minister
Vladimir Putin claimed that such a
deployment could lead to a new arms
race and could enhance the likelihood
of mutual destruction. He also
suggested that his country would freeze its compliance with the 1990
Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces
in Europe (CFE)—which limits military
deployments across the continent—
until all NATO countries had ratified the
adapted CFE treaty. NATO formed the NATO Training
Mission – Iraq, a training mission to
assist the Iraqi security forces NATO comprises 28 members: Albania,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, the United
Kingdom, and the United States. NATO's expansion policy is seen by
Moscow as a continuation of a Cold
War attempt to surround and isolate

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