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General knowledge Questions and answers #1

1. The head quarters of the European Union are located at : Brussels
2. Which Indian Atomic Plant islocated into the IV seismic zone -Narora atomic plant (u\U.P)
3. The Indian state which is called Ethopia of India because of excessive mal-nutrition :-Madhya pradesh
4. The 16th Biosphere reserve of India cold-desert lies in -Himachal pradesh
5. As per the educational development index (february 2011) ,the four top most states of india are -kerala ,Delhi,haryana,Punjab
6. The scheme launched to provide free health care facilities to pregnant women and infants is- Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram
7. In the Union Budget 2011-12 the largest outlay has been allocated to- Energy
8. who has been named for theprestigious Man Booker prize for the year -2011 => phillip Rotth
9. The winner of the Dada saheb falke award for the year 2010 is- K.Balchander
10. The most primitive tribes of India are- Gonds and Jarawas
11. Strait of Dover connects - English channel and North Sea
12. First dwarf rice variety developed in India was -IR8
13. Central Institute of subtropical horticulture is located at -Lucknow
14. The fourth United nations Conference on the world's least developed Countries was held in-Istambul
15. Kisan Day is observed on-23rd December
16. Pink revolution is related to -Onion production
17. Sankhya Philosophy is propounded by-Kapil
18. The indian saint of medeviel India who bas born at Prayag - Ramanand
19. Who is Known as Light of asia -Gautam Budha
20. The adoption of high yieldng variety programmein Indian agriculture started in- 1966
21. The Book "Great soul:Mahatma Gandhi and His struggle with India " is authored by:- Joseph Lelyveld
22. Rusting of Iron requires - Oxygen and Water
23. The operation which was asociated with the killing of Osama bin laden was -operation Geromino
24. The total number of Bones in our body is- 206
25. Who translated Ramayana Into persian - Abul fazal
26. who said "Action is eloquence": William Shakespere
27. "Before God we are equally wise and equally fullish "- Albert Einstien

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