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Important Dates in History


*3000-1500 Indus Valley Civilisati on
*576 Birth of Gautam Buddha
*527 Birth of Mahavir
*327-326 Alexander’ s invasion of
*India. It opened a land route between
*India and Europe
*313 Accession of Chandragup ta
*Maurya according to Jain traditions
*305 Defeat of Seleucus at the hands of Chandragupta Maurya
*273-232 Ashoka’s reign
*261 Conquest of Kalinga
*145-101 Region of Elara, the Chola
King of Sri Lanka
*58 Beginning of Vikrami era

*78 Beginning of Saka era
*120 Accession of Kanishka
*320 Commenceme nt of Gupta era. thegolden age of Hindu India
*380 Accession of Vikramadit ya
*405-411 Visit of Chinese traveller Fa- hien
*415 Accession of Kumara Gupta I
*455 Accession of Skando Gupta
*606-647 Harshavard han’s reign
*712 First invasion in Sind by Arabs
*836 Accession of King Bhoja of Kannauj
*985 Accession of Rajaraja,t he Chola
*998 Accession of Sultan Mahmud
*1001 First invasion of India by
*Mahmud Chazni who defeated jaipal, ruler of Punjab
*1025 Destructio n of Somnath Temple
*by Mahmud Ghzni
*1191 First Battle of Tarain
*1192 Second Battle of Tarain
*1206 Accession of Qutab-ud-d in Aibak to the throne of Delhi
*1210 Death of Qutub-ud-d in Aibak
*1221 Changes Khan invaded India
*(Mongol invasion)
*1236 Accession of Razia Sultan to the throne of Delhi 1240 Razia Sultan dies
*1296 Accession of Ala–ud-din Khilji
*1316 Ala-ud-din Khilji dies
*1325 Accession of Muhammad-b in
*1327 Shifting of Capital from Delhi to Daulatabad to Deccan by the Tughlaqs
*1336 Foundation of Vijayanaga r
*empire in the South
*1351 Accession of Feroze Shah
*1398 Invasion of India by Timur Lang
*1469 Birth of Gurunanak 1494 Accession of Babar in Farghana
*1497-98 First voyage of Vasco da
*Gama to India (discovery of sea route to India via the Cape of Good Hope
*1526 First Battle of Panipat, Babar
defeated Ibrahim Lodhi; Foundation of Mughal rule by Babar
*1527 Battle of Khanya’Bab ar defeated Rana Sanga
*1530 Death of Babar and accession of Humayun
*1539 Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayan and became India’s emperor
*1540 Battle of Kannauj
*1555 Humayan recaptured the throne of Delhi
*1556 Second Battle of Panipat
*1565 Battle of Talikota
*1576 Battle of Haldighati ; Rana Pratap defeated by Akbar
*1582 Din-e-Illa hi founded by Akbar
*1597 Death of Rana Pratap
*1600 East India Company established
*1605 Death of Akbar and accession of Jehangir
*1606 Execution of Guru Arjun Dev
*1611 Jehangir marries Nur jahan.
*1616 Sir Thomas Roe visits Jehangir
*1627 Birth of Shivaji and death of
*1628 Shahjahan becomes emperor of India
*1631 Death of Mumtaj Mahal
*1634 The British permitted to trade in india in Bengal
*1659 Accession of Aurangzeb, Shahjahan imprisoned
*1665 Shivaji imprisoned by
*1666 Death of Shahjahan
*1675 Execution of Teg Bahadur,the
ninth Guru of Sikhs 1680 Death of Shivaji
*1707 Death of Aurangzeb
*1708 Death of Guru Gobind Singh
*1739 Nadir Shah invades India
*1757 Battle of Plassey, establishment
of Britishn political rule in India at thehands of Lord Clive.
*1761 Third Battle of Panipat;Sh ah
*Alam II becomes India’s emperor
*1764 Battle of Buxar
*1765 Clive appointed Company’s
Governor in India
*1767-69 First Mysore war
*1770 The great Bangal Famine
*1780 Birth of Maharaja Ranjit Singh
*1780-84 Second Mysore War
*1784 Pitt’s Omdoa Act
*1790-92 Third Mysore War
*1793 The Permanent Settlement of
*1799 Fourth Mysore War- Death of
Tipu Sultan
*1802 Treaty of Bassein
*1809 Treaty of Amritsar
*1829 Practice of Sati Prohibited
*1830 Raja-Ram Mohun Roy, founder of Brahmo Samaj,visits England.
*1833 Death of Raja Ram Mohun Roy.
*1839 Death of Maharaj Ranjit Singh
*839-42 First Afghan War 1845-46 First Anglo-Sikh War
*1852 Second Anglo-Burm ese War
*1853 First Railway line opened
between Bombay and Thane and a
Telegraph line in Calcutta
*1857 The sepoy Mutiny or First War of Independen ce
*1861 Birth of Rabindrana th Tagore
*1869 Birth of Mahatma Gandhi
*1885 Foundation of Indian National
*1889 Birth of Jawaharlal Nehru
*1897 Birth of Subhash Chandra Bose
*1904 Tibet Expedition
*1905 First partition of Bengal under
*Lord Curzon
*1906 Foundation of Muslim League
*1911 Delhi Darbar;Kin g and Queen visitIndia;Delh i becomes the capital of India
*1916 World War 1 begins
*1916 Lucknow Pact signed by Muslim League and Congress
*1918 World War 1 ends 1919 Montague-C helmsfor Reforms
introduced ,Jallianwa la Bagh
*massacreat Amritsar
*1920 Khilafar Movement launched
*1927 Boycott of Simon
*Commission ,broadcast ing started in India
*1928 Death of lal Lajpat Rai ( Sher-e-*Punjab)
*1929 Lord Orwaom’s Pact, resolution
of complete independen ce passed at Lahore Congress
*1930 Civil Disobedience Movement
launched;Dandi March by Mahatma
Gandhi(Apr il 6, 1970 )
*1931 Gandhi-Irw in Pact
*1935 Government of India Act
*1937 Provincial Autonomy,Congress
forms ministers
*‎1939 World War II begins (September )
*1941 Death of Rabindrana th Tagore,escape of Subhash Chandra Bose from India
*1942 Arrival of Cripps Mission in India,‘Quit India’ movement launched (Aug.
*1943-44 Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose forms provincial Azad Hindu Hukumat and Indian National Army, Bengal famine
*1945 Trial of Indian National Army at Red Fort;Shiml a Conference World War II ends
*1946 British Cabinet Mission visits
India; Interim Government formed at the Centre,
*1947 Division of India; India and
Pakistan form separate independent
*1948 Mahatma Gandhi assassinated
*(Jan.30); integration of princely states.
*1949 Cease-fire in Kashmir,indian Constitution signed and adopted
*1950 India becomes a Sovereign
*Democratic Republic (Jan.26)and
*Constitution of India comes into force 1951 First Five-year Plan.First Asian Games held in Delhi
*‎1952 First General Elections of the Lok Sabha
*1953 Conquest of Mt.Everest by
Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary1956 Second Five-Year Plan launched
*1957 Second General
*Elkections ;decimal coinage introduced ,Liberation of Goa.
*1962 Third General Elections in India;Chinese attack on India (Dec 20 )
*1963 Nagaland becomes the 16th
indian State
*1964 Death of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
*1965 Pakistan attacks India
*1966 Tashkent Pact;Death of Lal
Bahadur Shastri; Mrs. Indira Gandhi elected Prime Minister of India.
*1967 Fourth General Elections; Dr Zakir Hussain elected the third president of India
*1969 V.V.Giri elected President of
India, Nationalis ation of the leading banks by Presidenti al ordinance.
*1970 Meghalaya designated as
autonomous state.
*‎1971 Himachal Pradesh becomes a
State;Indo -Pak War, Bangladesh is
born 1972 Shimla agreement; Death of C.Rajagopa lachari
*1973 Mysore State renamed Karnataka
*1974 India explodes a nuclear device;Fakhuruddi n Ali Ahmed elected as fifth
President Sikkim becomes on associate State of India
*1975 India launches ‘Aryabhata ’;
Sikkim becomes 22nd State of the
Indian Union; State of Emergency is
*1976 India and China establish diplomatic relations
*1977 Sixth General Elections; Janata
Party gets majority in Lok Sabha;
*Neelam Sanjiva Reddy elected sixth
President of India
*1979 Morarji Desai resigns as Prime Minister,C haran Singh becomes Prime
Minister;Charan Singh resigns ( Aug
20 ) Sixth Lok Sabha dissolved
*1980 Seventh General
Elections; Congress comes to
power;Mrs Indira Gandhi sworn in as Prime Minister; Sanjay Gandhi dies in
an air crash, India Launches SLV-3 into
space carrying Rohini Satellite
*1982 Longest bridge in Asia opened
( March 2 ); Acharya J.B. Kripalani dies
( March 19) INSAT.1A launched; Giani Zail Singh elected President of India
(July 15) Over 500 persons killed in
Gujarat Cyclone ( Nov.5); Acharua
Vinobha dies (Nov 15) IX Asian Games inaugurate d (Nov 19)
*1983 CHOGM held in New Delhi 1984 Operation Blue Star in Punjab;
*Rakesh Sharma goes into space; Mrs.
*Indira Gandhi assassinated; Rajiv
Gandhi becomes PM
*1985 Rajiv-Long owal accord signed;Sant H.S. Longowal killed elections in Punjab; Assam accord; VII Five-Year
*Plan launched 1986 Mizoram accord.
*1987 R.Venkatar aman elected
*President; Shankar Dayal Sharma
*elected Vice-Presi dent of India, Bofors gun and Fairfax controvers ies 1989 Ram Shilanyas Puja at Ayodhya;
*India’s first IRBM ‘ Agni’ successfullylaunched from Orissa (May 22); Trishul Missile test fised (June 5); Second successful launch of Prithvi (Sept 27);
*Rajiv Government loses poll and resigns (Nov.29); Jawahar Rozgar
Yojna launched
front leader V.P. Singh sworn in as
seventh PM, New cabinet sworn in
(Dec.2), Ninth Lok Sabha constitute d
*‎1990 Last of IPKF return home (March 25); Indian Airlines A-320 Airbus Crash (Feb. 14); Janata Dal splits; BJP withdraws support to the
Government ;Advani takes out Rath
Yatra and is arrested, Mandal Report
implemented announced by V.P. SinghViolence in Ayodhya due to Ram Janam Bhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute
*1991 Gulf War breaks out (Jan. 17);
*Rajiv Gandhi assassinated (May 21);
*Lok Sabha constituted (June 20);
P. V. Narasimha Rao becomes Prime Minister
*1992 India establishes full diplomatic ties with Israel (Jan. 29); Bharat Ratna and Oscar winner Satyajit Ray dies (April 23); S.D.Sharma elected President (July 25); INS Shakti-fir st indigeneou sly built submarine was launched on Feb. 7
*1993 Ordinance to acquire 67.33
acres in Ayodhya (Jan 7); Massive
security falls in BJP rally; Wave of
bombing leaves 300 dead in Bombay; Insat-2B becomes fully operational;
*Earthquake in Maharashtra
*‎1994 Government monopoly over civil aviation ends; Storm over GATT
treaty;Pla gue outbreak; Sushmita Sen-Miss Universe; Aishwarya Rai-Miss World
*1995 Mayawati First Dalit Chief Minister of UP; BJP comes to power in Maharashtr a and Gujarat, Janata Dal in Karnataka and Congress in Orissa; Indian National Congress (T) formed; President’ s Rule in UP after fall of Mayawati; INSAT 2C and IRSIC launched
*1996 Hawala takes toll of several
Union Ministers ans opposition
leaders; PSLV D3 launched on March 21 with IRSP-3 ushering new era in
India space programme; Eleventh Lok Sabha Elections held on April 127-BJP emerges as the single largest party
*1997 On August 15, India celebrated its 50th year of Independen ce 1998 Death of Mother Teressa; Atal Behari Vajpayee becomes Indian
Prime Minister; India explodes its
second nuclear device (Pokhran II)
*1999 India Airlines plane IC-814
hijacked by terrorists and taken to Kandahar, Afghanista n, on Dec 24,
*‎1999. Three militants released by
Indian govt.for the freedom of
hostages kept as passengers . In June 1999, Flt. Lt. K. Nachiketa, the captured Indian pilot, released by Pakistan after eight days of captivity. ‘Operation
Vijay’ launched by Indian Army to
flush out Pakistani infiltrators inside
LoC in the Kargil sector of J&K, India
wins battle.
*2000 US President Bill Clinton visits India during March 2000. Three new
states Chhatisgarh, Uttaranchal and
Jharkhand created.India’s population
crossed one billion mark.
*2001 ‘Agra Summit’ between India
and Pakistan in July 2001; Worst natural calamity of India: Gujarat
Earthquake in Jan 2001; ‘Tehelka.Com’ screened video tapes which opened the murky world of arms deal and its kickbacks to Indian Army officials, ministers and politician s in March 2001; VI th census of India (since
Independence) concluded in March
2001. Enron bids farewall to Indian
energy sector in August 2001; GSLV
launched successful ly in April 2001
and PSLC-C3 launch conducted in October 2001.
*2002 71-year old missile scientist,
Avul Pakir Jainulabde en Abdul Kalam,
is elected President of India; One of the most harrific communal roits in recent history, the Godhra Incident, happens on Feb 27, 2002 in Gujarat;Na tional
Water Policy announced in April,
which aims at integratin g water
resources develpment and
management for optimal and
sustainable utilisation.
*2003 Formation of Strategic Forces
Command (SFO) and the Nuclear
Command Authority (NCA) by India;
Air Marshal Teja Mohan Asthana
named first commander in chief of the
SFC; Advanced multi purpose satellite, INSAT-3A is successful ly launched into
space from Kourou of French Guyana;
CBI forms an Economic Intelligen ce
Wing to tackle white-collar crime in
June; India’s adnaced communication satellite INSAT-3E is launched by an European rocket from the spaceport of
Kourou of French Guyana in December
*2004 NDA government ousted by the Congress and its allies in the General Election; Congress President Ms Sonia Gandhi opts against becoming Prime Minister of India despite being in a strong position; Congress and its allies forms government at the centre under
the Prime Ministership of Dr.
Manmohan Singh.
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