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Facts About Mughals

* Who built Jama masjid?
- Shahjahan
* Whose court visited Sir Thomas Roe?
- Jehangir
* Who constructed Red fort of Delhi?
- Shah Jahan
* Who was the Mughal emperor , from whom East India Company Secured Diwani?
- Shah Aaalam II
* Which Mughal emperor was defeated by Shershah in 1540?
- Humayun
* Who got the Qutub Minar Finished?
- Firoz Shah Tuglaq
* The fort of Tughlaqabad near Delhiwas formed by whom?
- Ghiyasuddin Tuglaq
* Who among the Moghul Emperors was a perfect player of Veena?
- Aurangazeb.
* Who was the first Muslim ruler of Delhi?
- Qutbuddin Aibak
* What was “Abwab”?
- Miscellaneous kinds of taxes like the house taxes, grazing tax, irrigation tax etc
* Which of the contemporary historians was appointed as the chiefquazi of Delhi by Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq?
- Ibn-Batutah
* What was the term used for measurement of land in the Sultanate period?
- Masahat
* Who was the founder of the city ofAgra?
- Sikander Lodi
* Which Bahmani Sultan shifted the capital from Gulbarga to Bidar?
- Ahmed Shah Wali
* Why did Mahmud Begarha attack Dwarka?
- To suppress the pirates who preyed on the pilgrim traffic to Mecca
* Who founded the fortress city Mandu-the capital of Malwa?
- Hushang-Shah
* Whose reign has been called the “Golden Age of the Mughals’?
- Shah-Jahan
* Who was the last royal patron of the Mughal School of painting?
- Aurangzeb
* What was the original name of Tansen?
- Ramtanu Pande
* In which language did Babur writehis memories ,called Tuzuk-i-Baburi?
- Turkish
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