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Facts About India

* What is the base of Ayurvedic system of medicine?
- The universe is composed of the five elements or pancha mahabhutas.These combine into three doshas or bioenergetic forces that determine human health and physical constitution. Long before the Western world and WHO talked in terms of health as a holistic concept, the texts of Ayurveda written over 3,500 years ago spoke of treating an individual as a whole, not as a group of individual parts.
Ayurveda encompasses the whole human being: his mind, body and spirit. According to this ancient system of medicine, a good, balancedconstitution is the best shield againstthe onslaught of medicine thus tries to prevent diseases by working with the constitution of the individual or by balancing the three doshas, namely vata, pitta and kaph-
The tridoshas endicate the kind of illnesses an individual may be prone to and may also determine one’s physical appearance, cravings for food and the like. Where the three doshas work in harmony, perfect health reigns supreme.
* Indian National Sports day is observed on August 29th. It is the birth day of
- Dhyanchand
* Where is the Longest Railway Platform in India?
- Kharagpur (West Bengal)
* India's first electric car
- Rava
* The National song 'Vande Mataram'was composed by
- Bankim Chadra Chatterjee
* Who is the First woman Ruler in Delhi?
- Raziya Begum
* The only paramilitary force which has an exclusive 'Mahila Battalion' is
- CRPF Batch - 88
* Kalinga Prize is awarded by
- Environment
* The first recipient of Gandhi Peace Prize was
- Dr. Julius N. Nyerera
* Nehru Award is instituted for
- International understanding and peace
* Where was chess invented?
- Indi- The invention of Chess has been attributed to the Indians by the Persians. Abu al-Hasan 'Ali al-Mas'udi, an early Islam historian, provided scholarly details of the game as it was played in India and Persi- He details the use of chess as a tool for warfare strategy, mathematical calculations, gambling and even its vague association with astronomy. Mas'udi notes that Ivory was chiefly used for the production of chess and backgammon pieces, and asserts thatthe game was introduced from India to Persia along with the book Kelileh va Demneh during the reign of Persian emperor Anushirwan.
* Salim Ali Center for Ornithology and Natural History is situated at
- Coimbatore
* Highest Dam in India?
- Bhakra Dam (226 Metre)
* Highest Gateway in India?
- Buland Darwaza (Fatehpur Sikri), near Agra (UP)
* Highest rainfall in India?
- Cherapunji (Meghalaya)
* Highest Tower in India?
- Qutab Minar, Delhi
* Highest Waterfall in India?
- Gersopa Waterfall (Karnataka)
* Highest Airfield in India?
- Chushul (Ladakh)
* Highest Mountain in India?
- Kanchenjunga (8,597 metre)
* Biggest Zoo in India?
- Zoological Garden, Kolkata

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