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Abbrevations Related To technology

AGP:-Accellerat ed Graphics Port
ARPANET:- Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
BIOS :- Basic Input- Output System.
CAD :- Computer Aided Design.
CD :- Compact Disc.
CDAC :- Centre for Development of Advanced Parallel Computing.
CDMA :- Code Division Multiple Access.
C-DOT :- Center for Development of Telematrics.
GAIS :- Gateway Internet Access Service
HTTP :- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
ROM :- Read Only Memory
RAM :- Random Access Memory
MODEM :- Modulation :- Demodulation.
PSTN :- Public Switched Public Data Network.
PSPDN :- Pocket Switched Public.
RABAN :- Remote Area Business MessageNetwork.
LAN :- Local Area Network
WAN :- Wide Area Network .
MAN :- Metropolit an Area Network.
E-Mail :- Electronic Mail.
LDU :- Liquid Display Unit.
CPU :- Central Processing Unit.
CAM :- Computer Aided Manufacturing.
CATScan :- Computerized Axial Tomography Scan .
COBOL :- Common Business Oriented Language.
COMAL :- Common Algorithmi c Language.
DOS :- Disk Operating System.
DTS :- Desk Top System
DTP :- Desk Top Publishing .
E-Commerce :- Electronic Commerce.
ENIAC :- Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
FAX :- Far Away Xerox.
FLOPS :- Floating Operations Per Second.
FORTRAN :- Formula Translatio n.
HLL :- High Level Language.
HTML :- Hyper Text Markup Language.
IBM :- Internatio nal Business Machine.
IC :- Integrated Circuit
ISH :- Internatio nal Super Highway.
LISP :- List Processing .
LLL :- Low Level Language
MICR :- Magnetic Ink Character Recognizer .
MIPS :- Millions of Instructio ns Per Second.
MOPS :- Millions of Operations Per Second.
MPU :- Micro Processor Unit.
NICNET :- National Informatio n Center Network.
OMR :- Optical Mark Reader.
PC-DOT :- Personal Computer Disk Operation System.
PROM :- Programmab le Read Only Memory.
SNOBOL :- String Oriented Symbolic Language.
UPS :- Uninterpre table Power Supply.
VDU :- Visual Display Unit.
VLSI :- Very Large Scale Integrated .
WWW :- World Wide Web.
WLAN :- Wireless Local Area Network.
Wi-fi :- Wireless Fidelity
TIFF :- Tagged Image File Format
e-SATA :- External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
WiMAX :- Worldwide Interopera bility for Microwave Access
JPEG :- Joint Photograph ic Experts Group
GIF :- Graphics Interchang e Format
ATX :- Advanced Technology Extended
UATX :- Ultra Advanced Technology Extended
FATX :- Flex Advanced Technology Extended
MATX :- Micro Advanced Technology Extended
EEATX :- Enhanced Extended Advanced Technology Extended
DDR SDRAM :- Double-Dat a-Rate Synchronou s Dynamic Random Access Memory
DDR RAM :- Double-Dat a-Rate Random Access Memory
GUI :- Graphical User Interfaces
CUI :- Command User Interfaces
NAT :- Network Address Translatio n
BIOS:-Basic Input/ Output System
SCSI:- Small Computer Systems Interface
OCR:-Optical Character Recognitio n
PCI:-Peripheral Component Interface
PDA:-Personal Digital Assistant
MIDI:-Musical Instrument Digital Interface
BPS:-Bites Per Second
KBPS:-KiloBits Per Second
MPEG:-Motion Picture Experts Group
JPEG:-Joint Photographic Expert Group
LCD:-Liquid Crystal Display
MAC:-Media Access Control
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