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Facts About Earth

*Age of Earth - 4,550 Million Years
*Mass of Earth - 5.967 x 10 to the power 24 kg
*Volume of Earth - 1.083 x 10 to the power liters
*Mean Density of Earth - 5.518 kg/lt
*Total Surface Area of Earth - 510 million sq. km
*Land Area of Earth - 29.2% of the total surface area
*Water Area of Earth - 70.8% of the total surface area
*Equatorial Diameter of Earth - 12,755 km
*Polar Diameter of Earth - 12, 712 km
*Escape Velocity of Earth - 11.2 km/sec
*Highest Land Point of Earth - Mount Everest (8,852 m)
*Lowest Land Point of Earth - Dead Sea (396m)
*Greatest Ocean Depth of Earth - Mariana Trench (11,033)
*Equatorial Circumference of Earth - 40,024 km
*Polar Circumference of Earth - 40,024 km
*Mean Surface Temperature of Earth - 14°C
*Earth's Maximum distance from Sun (Aphelion) - About 150 million km
*Earth's Minimum distance from sun (Perihelion) - About 147 million km
*Earth's Rotation Speed - 23 hrs, 56 min, 40.91 sec
*Revolution Speed of Earth - 365 days, 5 hrs, 45.51 sec
*Dates when days & nights are equal on Earth - Mar, 21 (Vernal Equinox): Sept. 23 Autumnal Equinox)
*Dates of longest days and shortest nights on Earth- June 21 (Summer Solstice): Dec, 22 (Winter Solstice)

Facts About Nokia

*.The name of the town of Nokia originated from the river which flowed through the town. The river itself, Nokianvirta, was named after the old Finnish word originally meaning sable, later pine marten.

*.The Nokia corporate font (typeface) isthe Agfa Monotype Nokia Sans font, originally designed by Eric Spiekermann. Its mobile phone User’s Guides Nokia mostly used the Agfa Rotis Sans font.

* In Asia, the digit 4 never appears in any Nokia handset model number, because 4 is considered unlucky in many parts of Southeast/East Asia.

* Nokia was listed as the 20th most admirable company worldwide in Fortune’s list of 2006 (1st in network communications, 4th non-US company). *The ringtone “Nokia tune”is actually based on a 19th century guitar work named “Gran Vals” by Spanish musician Francisco Tárrega. The Nokia Tune was originally named “Grande Valse” on Nokia phones but was changed to “Nokia Tune” around 1998 when it became so well known that people referred to it as the “NokiaTune.”

* The world’s first commercial GSM callwas made in 1991 in Helsinki over a Nokia-supplied network, by Prime Minister of Finland Harri Holkeri, using a Nokia phone.

*Nokia is currently the world’s largest digital camera manufacturer, as the sales of its camera-equipped mobile phones have exceeded those of any conventional camera manufacturer.

*The “Special” tone available to users of Nokia phones when receiving SMS (text messages) is actually Morse code for “SMS”. Similarly, the “Ascending” SMS tone is Morse code for “Connecting People,” Nokia’s slogan. The “Standard” SMS tone is Morse codefor “M” (Message).

Facts About Brain

*Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression than men in the United States.
*The human brain has about 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) neurons.
*From all the oxygen that a human breathes, twenty percent goes to the brain .
*People who ride on roller coasters have a higher chance of having a blood clot in the brain .
*Once a human reaches the age of 35,he/she will start losing approximately 7,000 brain cells a day. The cells will never be replaced.
*It is not possible to tickle yourself. The cerebellum, a part of the brain , warns the rest of the brain that you are about to tickle yourself. Since your brain knows this, it ignores the resulting sensation.
*A women from Berlin Germany has had 3,110 gallstones taken out of her gall bladder.
*In America, the most common mental illness is Anxiety Disorders.
*Your brain is 80% water.
*Your brain is move active and thinksmore at night than during the day.

Facts About India

* What is the base of Ayurvedic system of medicine?
- The universe is composed of the five elements or pancha mahabhutas.These combine into three doshas or bioenergetic forces that determine human health and physical constitution. Long before the Western world and WHO talked in terms of health as a holistic concept, the texts of Ayurveda written over 3,500 years ago spoke of treating an individual as a whole, not as a group of individual parts.
Ayurveda encompasses the whole human being: his mind, body and spirit. According to this ancient system of medicine, a good, balancedconstitution is the best shield againstthe onslaught of medicine thus tries to prevent diseases by working with the constitution of the individual or by balancing the three doshas, namely vata, pitta and kaph-
The tridoshas endicate the kind of illnesses an individual may be prone to and may also determine one’s physical appearance, cravings for food and the like. Where the three doshas work in harmony, perfect health reigns supreme.
* Indian National Sports day is observed on August 29th. It is the birth day of
- Dhyanchand
* Where is the Longest Railway Platform in India?
- Kharagpur (West Bengal)
* India's first electric car
- Rava
* The National song 'Vande Mataram'was composed by
- Bankim Chadra Chatterjee
* Who is the First woman Ruler in Delhi?
- Raziya Begum
* The only paramilitary force which has an exclusive 'Mahila Battalion' is
- CRPF Batch - 88
* Kalinga Prize is awarded by
- Environment
* The first recipient of Gandhi Peace Prize was
- Dr. Julius N. Nyerera
* Nehru Award is instituted for
- International understanding and peace
* Where was chess invented?
- Indi- The invention of Chess has been attributed to the Indians by the Persians. Abu al-Hasan 'Ali al-Mas'udi, an early Islam historian, provided scholarly details of the game as it was played in India and Persi- He details the use of chess as a tool for warfare strategy, mathematical calculations, gambling and even its vague association with astronomy. Mas'udi notes that Ivory was chiefly used for the production of chess and backgammon pieces, and asserts thatthe game was introduced from India to Persia along with the book Kelileh va Demneh during the reign of Persian emperor Anushirwan.
* Salim Ali Center for Ornithology and Natural History is situated at
- Coimbatore
* Highest Dam in India?
- Bhakra Dam (226 Metre)
* Highest Gateway in India?
- Buland Darwaza (Fatehpur Sikri), near Agra (UP)
* Highest rainfall in India?
- Cherapunji (Meghalaya)
* Highest Tower in India?
- Qutab Minar, Delhi
* Highest Waterfall in India?
- Gersopa Waterfall (Karnataka)
* Highest Airfield in India?
- Chushul (Ladakh)
* Highest Mountain in India?
- Kanchenjunga (8,597 metre)
* Biggest Zoo in India?
- Zoological Garden, Kolkata


Facts About Mughals

* Who built Jama masjid?
- Shahjahan
* Whose court visited Sir Thomas Roe?
- Jehangir
* Who constructed Red fort of Delhi?
- Shah Jahan
* Who was the Mughal emperor , from whom East India Company Secured Diwani?
- Shah Aaalam II
* Which Mughal emperor was defeated by Shershah in 1540?
- Humayun
* Who got the Qutub Minar Finished?
- Firoz Shah Tuglaq
* The fort of Tughlaqabad near Delhiwas formed by whom?
- Ghiyasuddin Tuglaq
* Who among the Moghul Emperors was a perfect player of Veena?
- Aurangazeb.
* Who was the first Muslim ruler of Delhi?
- Qutbuddin Aibak
* What was “Abwab”?
- Miscellaneous kinds of taxes like the house taxes, grazing tax, irrigation tax etc
* Which of the contemporary historians was appointed as the chiefquazi of Delhi by Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq?
- Ibn-Batutah
* What was the term used for measurement of land in the Sultanate period?
- Masahat
* Who was the founder of the city ofAgra?
- Sikander Lodi
* Which Bahmani Sultan shifted the capital from Gulbarga to Bidar?
- Ahmed Shah Wali
* Why did Mahmud Begarha attack Dwarka?
- To suppress the pirates who preyed on the pilgrim traffic to Mecca
* Who founded the fortress city Mandu-the capital of Malwa?
- Hushang-Shah
* Whose reign has been called the “Golden Age of the Mughals’?
- Shah-Jahan
* Who was the last royal patron of the Mughal School of painting?
- Aurangzeb
* What was the original name of Tansen?
- Ramtanu Pande
* In which language did Babur writehis memories ,called Tuzuk-i-Baburi?
- Turkish

Some Indian Personalities

*Aurobindo Ghosh
-An ardent nationalist who later became a saint, was educated in England. His viewswere readily accepted by Lala Lajpat Rai of Punjab and Bal Gangadhar Tilak of Maharashtraand led to the formation of an extremist school within the Congress.
*Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- known as Lokmanya. He organised Extremist Party within theCongress with Lala Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pai. Britishers called him "Fatherof Indian Unrest".
He gave the slogan call "Swaraj is my birth right". Tilak was the founder-editor of Mahratta (English) and Kesar

*Acharya Vinoba Bhave
-Saintly personality; had devoted his life to social welfare; founder of the Bhoodan movement.
*Abdul Ghaffar Khan
-He was known as the 'Frontier Gandhi'. He was a nationalist Muslim leader of theNorth-West Frontier Province. He first started a militant organisation known as the 'Red Shirt'
*Amir Khusrau
-Assumed 'Parrot of India', was a famous poet and author who wrote in poetry andprose and also composed music. He enjoyed the patronage of successive Sultans
ofDelhi from Balban to Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq. He died in 1324-25. His works include Tughluq namah and theTarikh-i-Alai.
*Bhagat Singh
-Known as Shahid-e-Azam. Founded Naujawan Bharat Sabha. Exploded bomb in Central Legislative Assembly at Lahore on April 8, 1929. He was arrested and sentenced forlife. He along with Sukh Dev and Shivram Rajguru, was hanged on March 23, 1931 for participating in Lahore conspiracy.
*Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
-A prominent Indian politician, born inSouth India in 1879. He was the General Secretary
of the Indian National Congress
in 1921-22 and wasa member of the Congress WorkingCommitee. *Dadabhai Naoro Ji
-He was elected president of the Indian National Congress at its second session heldin Calcutta in 1886. He was the first Indian to be elected a member of the Houseof Commons in England on a ticket of Liberal Party. Twice again, in 1893 andin1906, he was elected president of the INC.
*Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
-A prominent leader of the Scheduled Castes. Built up a party of the untouchables,became a member of the Constitutent Assembly and piloted through it the Indian ConstitutionAct which declared India to be Republic. He also piloted the Hindu Code throughthe Indian Legislature.
*Dr. Rajendra Prasad
-He was the first President of the Republic of India. Born in Bihar in 1884, educatedat the Calcutta Universty, he began his career as an advocate and soon commandeda very large practice at Patna High Court. Prasad became the president of Congress in 1934, 1939 and 1947; a minister in Nehru's cabin
*Gopal Krishna Gokhale
-He was a prominent Indian nationalist, and presided over the 1905 session of the Indian National Congress. In 1905 he founded at Poona the Servants of India Society.He died in 1915. He is considered as the 'Political Guru' of Gandhiji.
*Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
-Social reformer and educationist from Bengal and a pioneer in the field of primaryeducation and widowre-marriage.
*Jamshedji Tata
-Father of Indian industry, founded Tata,Iron and Steel Company in Bihar.
*Lal Bahadur Shastri
-Prime Minister of India from May, 1964 to his death on 11 January, 1966. He was conferred Bharat Ratna post humously. He was a martyr for the cause of peace between India and Pakistan at Tashkent.
*Lala Lajpat Rai
-Indian national leader known
as"Lion of Punjab". Founder editor of Bande Mataram,The Punjabee and The People. Died of injuries caused by police lathi-charge while leading a demonstration against Simon Commission at Lahore in 1928. Authorof Young
India, The Arya Samaj and England's Debt to India.
*Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
-Better known as Mahatma Gandhi, was born on October 2, 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat.Became a barrister-at-law (1891) in England. Went to South Africa in 1893. Stayedthere till 1914 for the cause of the emancipation of the Indians from the insultinglife.
*Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Pandit
-Born in 1900, was a talented daughterof Pandit Motilal Nehru. She held many highoffices after Indian independence including the post of India's High Commissionerin England (1955-61) and India's Ambassador to the
U. S. S. R. as well as to the U. S. A.
*Mrs. Annie Besant
-English theosophist, born in London in October 1847. She founded the Central HinduCollege at Banaras and was elected president of the Theosophical Society in 1907.In 1916 she founded the Indian Home Rule League and became its first presidentandin 1917.
*Mrs. Sarojini Naldu
-The most talented Indian lady, born of Bengali parents, was a poet and orator whotook a prominent part in Indian politics. She presided over the Kanpur session ofthe Indian NationalCongress in 1925 and was the first lady to be appointed a stateGovernor in the Republic of India.
* Netaji Subhash Bose
Popularly known as Netaji, was born on January 23, 1879, at Cuttack. He passed theIndian Civil Service Examination in 1920. He joined the Indian National Congressin 1921. In 1938 he was the president of the INC at its Haripura session and in1939 he
was elected president of its Tripuri
*Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru
He was the first Prime Minister of Independent India and is known as the architectof modem India. He was born in Allahabad on Novemeber 14,1889.
* Rabindranath Tagore
Poet, novelist, patriot, educationist, essayist, painter and philosopher. He foundedShantiniketan (now Viswabharati University) in West Bengal. The first Asian to receiveNobel Prize in Literature (for Gitanjati in 1913), writer of National Anthems ofIndia and Bangladesh.
* Ram Manohar Lohla
A social and political revolutionary, he founded the'Samajwadi Party' after differenceof opinion with the Congress.
* Patel Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
A renowned Indian patriot and politician, was born on the 31st, October, 1875 inGujarat and began hiscareer as a lawyer. He took a leading part in the BardoliSatyagraha movement. In 1931 he became the president of the Congress.
*Sarvapalli Radha Krishan
The second President of the Republic of India. Radha Krishnan was appointed as India'sambassador to the USSR in 1949. In 1962 he became the President of India. His birthday,Sept 5, is celebrated as Teacher's Day.'
* Shaukat Ali
A prominent leader and politician amongst the Indian Muhammadans. He along withhis brother Muhammad All, led the Khilafat Movement in 1919-20. He also joined theIndian National Congress and the non-co-operation movement.
*Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan
He was a prominent leader of the Indian Muhammadans. Remained loyal to the Britishduring the Sepoy Mutiny (1857-58), founded the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental Collegeat Aligarh in 1875. In 1920 the college was raised to the status of University andcalled the Aligarh Muslim University.

*Zakir Hussain
Proposed Wardha Scheme of education, formerly Vice-Chancellor of Jamia Millia. Hewas elected as President of India in 1967.


Abbrevations Related To technology

AGP:-Accellerat ed Graphics Port
ARPANET:- Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
BIOS :- Basic Input- Output System.
CAD :- Computer Aided Design.
CD :- Compact Disc.
CDAC :- Centre for Development of Advanced Parallel Computing.
CDMA :- Code Division Multiple Access.
C-DOT :- Center for Development of Telematrics.
GAIS :- Gateway Internet Access Service
HTTP :- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
ROM :- Read Only Memory
RAM :- Random Access Memory
MODEM :- Modulation :- Demodulation.
PSTN :- Public Switched Public Data Network.
PSPDN :- Pocket Switched Public.
RABAN :- Remote Area Business MessageNetwork.
LAN :- Local Area Network
WAN :- Wide Area Network .
MAN :- Metropolit an Area Network.
E-Mail :- Electronic Mail.
LDU :- Liquid Display Unit.
CPU :- Central Processing Unit.
CAM :- Computer Aided Manufacturing.
CATScan :- Computerized Axial Tomography Scan .
COBOL :- Common Business Oriented Language.
COMAL :- Common Algorithmi c Language.
DOS :- Disk Operating System.
DTS :- Desk Top System
DTP :- Desk Top Publishing .
E-Commerce :- Electronic Commerce.
ENIAC :- Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
FAX :- Far Away Xerox.
FLOPS :- Floating Operations Per Second.
FORTRAN :- Formula Translatio n.
HLL :- High Level Language.
HTML :- Hyper Text Markup Language.
IBM :- Internatio nal Business Machine.
IC :- Integrated Circuit
ISH :- Internatio nal Super Highway.
LISP :- List Processing .
LLL :- Low Level Language
MICR :- Magnetic Ink Character Recognizer .
MIPS :- Millions of Instructio ns Per Second.
MOPS :- Millions of Operations Per Second.
MPU :- Micro Processor Unit.
NICNET :- National Informatio n Center Network.
OMR :- Optical Mark Reader.
PC-DOT :- Personal Computer Disk Operation System.
PROM :- Programmab le Read Only Memory.
SNOBOL :- String Oriented Symbolic Language.
UPS :- Uninterpre table Power Supply.
VDU :- Visual Display Unit.
VLSI :- Very Large Scale Integrated .
WWW :- World Wide Web.
WLAN :- Wireless Local Area Network.
Wi-fi :- Wireless Fidelity
TIFF :- Tagged Image File Format
e-SATA :- External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
WiMAX :- Worldwide Interopera bility for Microwave Access
JPEG :- Joint Photograph ic Experts Group
GIF :- Graphics Interchang e Format
ATX :- Advanced Technology Extended
UATX :- Ultra Advanced Technology Extended
FATX :- Flex Advanced Technology Extended
MATX :- Micro Advanced Technology Extended
EEATX :- Enhanced Extended Advanced Technology Extended
DDR SDRAM :- Double-Dat a-Rate Synchronou s Dynamic Random Access Memory
DDR RAM :- Double-Dat a-Rate Random Access Memory
GUI :- Graphical User Interfaces
CUI :- Command User Interfaces
NAT :- Network Address Translatio n
BIOS:-Basic Input/ Output System
SCSI:- Small Computer Systems Interface
OCR:-Optical Character Recognitio n
PCI:-Peripheral Component Interface
PDA:-Personal Digital Assistant
MIDI:-Musical Instrument Digital Interface
BPS:-Bites Per Second
KBPS:-KiloBits Per Second
MPEG:-Motion Picture Experts Group
JPEG:-Joint Photographic Expert Group
LCD:-Liquid Crystal Display
MAC:-Media Access Control

First in the world

*.First Tour de France (road bicycle race) winner - Maurice Garin (1903)

*.First recognized boxing (fisticuffs) champion -Tim Hyer (1841)

*.World’s first chess champion - Wilhelm Steinitz (1886)

*.First talkie movie in the world - “Thejazz Singer” (1927)

*.First Oscar winner for the Best Actor – Emil Jannings (1928)

*.First Oscar winner for Best Actress - janet Gaynor, (1928)

*.First Asian city to host Olympics - Tokyo, Japan (1964)

*.First woman black tennis player to win a singles title at Wimbledon - A Gibson (1957)

*.First woman to win an Olympic GoldMedal - Charlotte Cooper, UK, Tennis singles (1900)

*.First professional woman bullfighter- Patricia Mccormick (1952)

*.First American woman to win three gold medals in a single Olympics - WRudolph, Rome Olympics (1960)

*.First Women’s Olympic marathon Champion - Joan Benoit, Los Angles ( 1984)

*.first golf club in the world - Honour able Company of Edinburgh Golfers(1744)

*.First man to run a mile under 4 minutes- Sir Roger Bannister (1954)

*.First athlete disqualified at the Olympics for drug use - Hans-GunnarLijenwall Mexico summer Olympics (1968)

*.The first cricket club - Cricket club founded in Hambledon, England (1750)

*.First man to fly solo non stop acrossthe Atlantic - Charles Lindbergh (1927)

*.First person to cross Antarctic Circle -James Cook (1773)

*.First humans to fly - Marquis d’ Arlandes & Pilatre de Rozier (1783)

*.First balloonist to fly solo nonstop around the world - Steve Fossett, U.S. (2002)

*.First man to cross the Pacific Ocean in hot air balloon - Ben Abruzzo and team in the Double Eagle V (1981)

*.First people to sight the North Pole- Roald Amundsen and lincoln Ellsworth (1926)

*.First people to reach the North Pole -Lt Col. Joseph O. Fletcher and Lt. William P. Benedict (1952)

*.First successful conquest of Mount Everest-Tenzing Norgay & Sir Edmund Hillary (New Zealand) (1953)

*.First conquest of Everest via the North Ridge - Chinese team (1960)

*.First person to conquer the Everest twice- Nawang Gombu Sherpa(1965)

*.First person to fly faster than the speed of sound - Charles Elwood Chuck Veager, he flew a Bell X-1 rocket at 670 mph in level flight (1947)

*.First man to reach the South Pole - Roald Amun-dsen, Norwegian team (1911)

*.First person to swim across the English Channel - Matthew Webb (1875)

*.First woman to fly solo across the Atlantic- Amelia Earhart (1932)

*.First woman to swim the English Channel - Gertrude Ederle (1926 )

*.First ascent of Everest without bottled oxygen - Peter Habeler (Austria) and Reinhold Messner, (Italy) (1978)

*.First woman to set foot on North Pole- Ann Bancroft, USA (1986)

*.First woman to sail around the world solo in under 100 days - Ellen MacArthur, English Sailor (2001)

*.First person ever to transmit speech from one point to another by electrical means - Alexander GrahamBell, (1876)

*.First sound recording -Thomas Alva Edison’s Phonograph (1877)

*.First antibiotic drug - Penicillin, discovered by Alexander Fleming (1928)

*.The first and only supersonic airliner - Concorde, twice the speed of sound, about 2,170 kph (1969)

*.The first mechanical computer by - Charles Babbage (1835)

*.first computer programmer - Ada Byron’s (1842)

*.First Compact Disc (CD) - Jointly developed by Sony and Philips (1978)

*.First Atom Bomb -“Little Boy” dropped over Hiroshima by the US during the second world war (1945)

*.First submarine - Built by Cornelius Drebbel, Dutch inventor(1620)

*.First artificial satellite launched intoorbit- Sputnik 1, USSR (1957)

*.First manned space vehicle - Vostok 1,USSR (1961)

*.First manned private spaceflight - ‘Space Ship One’ piloted by Mike Melvill (2004)

*.First fully controlled soft landing on moon-Surveyor 1 (1966)

*.First spacecraft to orbit Saturn - Cassini Huygens (2004)

*.First living creature to orbit the earth- Laika, the dog, aboard the Soviet satellite, Sputnik 2. (1957)

*.First man in space - Yuri Gagarin USSR. (1961)

*.First human to walk on the Moon - Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11(1969)

*.First woman Nobel Prize winner - Marie Sklodowska Curie, Physics. Sheis the first to win Physics Nobel (1903).

*.First woman Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry - Marie Sklodowska Curie (1911)

*.First woman Mother and daughter to win Nobel prize - Marie Sklodowska Curie (1903) and daughter Irene Joliot Curie (1935)

*.First human heart transplant was per formed by - Dr. Christian Barnard(1967)

*.First human to walk in space - AlexeiArkhovich Leonov (1965)

*.First Nobel Prize winner for Literature - Sully Prudhomme, France (1901)

*.First Nobel Prize winner for Peace -Jean Henri Dunant, Switzerland & Frederic Passy, France (1901)

*.First Nobel Prize winner for Economics- Ragnar Frisch, Norway & Jan Tinbergen, Netherlands (19


*.First person to win two Nobel Prizes - Marie Sklodowska Curie (Physics,1903) Chemistry,1911

*.First human heart transplant recipient.- Louis Washkansky. (1967)

*.First recipient of a permanent artificial heart - Barney Clark (1982)

*.Parkinson’s disease was first described by - James Parkinson, British neurologist (1817)

*.First blind person to conquer the Everest- Erik Weihenmayer, USA (2001)

*.First person with only one arm to climb the Everest - American Gary Guller(2003)

*.First woman to fly solo - Bessica Medlar Raiche flew in an airplane built of bamboo, wire and silk (1910)

*.First woman to fly solo around the world - jerrie Fredritz Mock.(1964)

*.First woman to fly solo across the English Channel- Hariiet Quimby

*.First woman to climb Everest - JunkoTabei of Japan (1975


Largest producers in the World

* The Largest Producer of Sugar in the World : Brazil
* The Largest Producer of Rubber in the World : Thailand
* The Largest Producer of Silver in the World : Peru
* The Largest Producer of Copper in the World : Chile
* The Largest producer of Mercury in World : Spain
*The Largest Producer of Cotton in the World : China
* The Largest Producer of Wheat in the World : China
* The Largest Producer of Gold in the World : China
* The Largest Producer of Rice in the World : China
* The Largest producer of Tobacco in World : China
* The Largest Producer of Tea in the World : China
* The Largest Producer of Aluminum in the World : China
* The Largest Producer of Steel in the World : China
* The Largest producer of Cement in World : China
* The Largest Producer of Milk in the world: India
* The Largest producer of Butter & Ghee in World : India
* The Largest producer of groundnut in World : India
* The Largest Cattle production in World : India
* The Largest producer of Automobiles in World : USA
* The Largest Producer of Coffee in the World : Brazil
* The Largest producer of Uranium in World : Canada

Largest In The World

Largest continent ...................... Asia
Largest ocean .......................... Pacific
Largest river .......................... Amazon
Largest river basin .................... Amazon
Largest lake (salt water) ............. Caspian sea
Largest lake (fresh water) .......... Lake Superior (North America)
Largest artificial lake ..... Lake Mead at Hoover Dam, (USA). Originally known as Boulder.
 Largest bay ................ Hudson Bay (North Canada)
Largest gulf ................. Gulf of Mexico
Largest gorge ................ Grand Canyon (USA)
Largest sea ............... South China sea
Largest delta ....... Sundarbans (India & Bangladesh)
Largest peninsula ............... Arabia
Largest island ................. Greenland
Largest country (in area) ........... Russia
Largest country (in population) ............. China
Largest temple` ......... Angkorwat (Cambodia)
Largest archipelago ........\....... Indonesia
Largest airport ... King Khalid International Airport at Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Largest church .......... St.Peter's Basilica, (Rome)
Largest mosque ...... Sha Faisal Mosque (Islamabad)
Largest embassy ............ Russian Embassy (Beijing)
Largest war plane ............ Mirage (France)
Largest prison ................ Kharkov (Russia)
Largest hotel ........... MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas (USA)
Largest desert ............... Sahara (Africa)
Largest forest ............. Coniferous Forests of Northern Russia
Largest stadium ................. Strahove (Czech Republic)
Largest library .... United States Library of Congress
Largest museum .................... American Museum of Natural History (New York)
Largest animal .................. Blue whale
Largest land animal ........... The African Bush Elephant
Largest democracy .................. India
Largest electorate .................. India
Largest town ............... Mt. Isa (Queensland)
Largest palace .......... Imperial Palace, Beijing
Largest dam ................ Three Gorges (China)
Largest landmass ................ The Eurasian Landmass
Largest park .. Wood Buffalo National Park (Canada)
Largest zoo ...... Krugal National Park (South Africa)
Largest river island ............. Majuli (Assam)
Largest inland sea ............. Mediterranean sea
Largest canal ............... Keil Canal in Germany
Largest reef ............... Great Barrier Reef, (Australia)
Largest city (population) ................... Tokyo (Japan)
Largest estuary ................. Ob (Russia)
Largest cave ........ Mammoth Cave, Kentucky (USA)
Largest strait ............... Tartar strait
Largest wall ............... The Great Wall (China)
Largest cemetery ............... Leningrad (Russia)
Largest railway station ......... Grand Central Terminal (New York)
Largest university building ............. University of Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Largest open university ........ Indira Gandhi National Open University (New Delhi)
Largest steel plant .......... Nippon Steel plant (Japan)
Largest wingspan ............... Albatross
Largest active volcano ............ Mauna lao on Hawaii
Largest planet .............. Jupiter
Largest bird .................. Ostrich Largest sea bird ............. Albatross
Largest diamond ............... The Cullinan
Largest parliament ............... The National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China
Largest north to south stretch of land ........ America
Largest cold desert ............. Gobi (Mongolia)
Largest plateau ................ Pamir (Tibet)
Largest mountain range ..................... The Himalaya
 Largest statue ............... Statue of liberty
 Largest bank .................... World bank (Washington)

Various Types of Image File Format

Image Format :
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format)
Exif (Exchangeable image file format)
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
RAW refers to a family of raw image formats
DNG (Digital Negative) is an open raw image format
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
BMP file format (Windows bitmap)
PPM-portable pixmap file format,
PGM (portable graymap file format)
PBM (portable bitmap file format )
ILBM (InterLeaved BitMap)
PCX (Personal Computer eXchange)
ECW (Enhanced Compression Wavelet)
SID (multiresolution seamless image database, MrSID)
CD5 (Chasys Draw Image)
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System)
PGF (Progressive Graphics File)
Vector Format:
CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile)
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)
ODG (OpenDocument Graphics)
PDF (Portable Document Format)
PGML (Precision Graphics Markup Language)
SWF (shockwave Flash)
VML (Vector Markup Language)
WMF / EMF (Windows Metafile / Enhanced Metafile)
XPS (XML Paper Specification)
3-d Format:
The PNG Stereo (.pns)
The JPEG Stereo (.jps)
MPO-Multi-Picture Object or Multi-Picture Format

General Knowledge Questions With Answers

No. Question Answer
1. Name the parts which on removal or destruction may cause the death of plant Roots
2. The cover of air around the earth is called Atmosphere
3. Air occupies Space & mass
4. Plants and animals maintain the balance of what in air Gases
5. The supporter of combustion in air is Oxygen
6. What forms the earth's atmosphere Air
7. The major components of air are Nitrogen & Oxygen
8. Water is one of the basic constituents of all Living
9. The scientific name of Lotus is Nelumbo
10. No two human beings are completely Alike
11. The process of preparation of food by plants is called Photosynthesis
12. All living objects consist of Cells
13. The vegetables such as carrot,beet root and radish that you
eat are Roots
14. Leaves are green because they have Chlorophy II
15. Plants manufacture food by the process of Photosynthesis
16. From the heart,the blood is transported to all the organs of
the body by Arteries
17. Which teeth are replaced by the permanent teeth Milk teeth
18. The reproductive cell of male is called the Sperm
19. The plants use which part of air for their food Carbon dioxide
20. Water is one of the basic constituents of all Plant
21. Water freezes into ice at 0 degree C.
22. Water boils at 80 degree C.
23. The torch cell is a source of which energy Electrical
24. Which source of energy wind is? Renewable
25. Which energy is released by a transistor Sound
26. Energy is always required for doing Work
27. Electrical energy is converted mainly into light energy in Filament
28. The energy hidden in atoms is called Atomic
29. Balance in nature is the balance between the population of Species
30. A famous mathematician of ancient India is Aryabhatta
31. A substance which can exist as solid,liquid and gas Water
32. The power of an electric bulb is marked in Watts
33. Water stored in a high-level dam has Potential energy
34. The dry cell produces electric energy from Chemical energy
35. The unit used for measuring distances between heavenly
objects,is Light Year
36. Musical instrument in which sound is produced by the vibration
of air is Flute
37. Carbohydrates are present in Cane Sugar
38. The gas used for disinfecting water is Chlorine
39. Sand is a compound of Silicon
40. A mixture of salt and camphor can be separated by Sublimation
41. A magnet can be used to seperate a mixture of Iron scrap and sulphur
42. The chemical which is not used for purifying water is Washing soda
43. A bird which is active during night is Owl
44. Hydrilla is a plant that grows in Water
45. A plant which stores food in the root is Ginger
46. In most flowers the most colorful part is the Petal
47. The temperature of the surroundings is detected by The Skin
48. The number of kinds of living organisms on this earth is about Two & half million
49. A species of animals means A group of similar animals
50. There are some plants which do not have Leaves
51. An animal without a special organ for hearing is Snake
52. The sense organ in man which are sensitive to chemicals are Skin & nose
53. The tallest tree in the world is The redwood tree
54. Normally, a housefly lives for about One year
55. In the human body urine is formed in The kidneys
56. The pancreas in our body is a part of The digestive system
57. The blood vessels that we can see just below the skin on the
back of our palm are Arteries & veins
58. The presence of starch in the leaf is shown by Iodine
59. All the cells are similar in structure and function in A tissue
60. The source of energy for all living things is The sun
61. An animal which cannot take solid food is Butterfly
62. Anaemia is usually caused by Glucose
63. The simplest form of carbohydrate is Aminoacid
64. The smallest unit of a protein is 80-90
65. The percentage of weight of water in our body is about C
66. Scurvy is caused by lack of vitamin Vitamins
67. Vegetables are included in our diet because mostly they supply Vitamins
68. The most widely seen minerals in the bones are Calcium and Phosphorus
69. Disgested food is mostly absorbed through the Small intestine
70. The diet of a 2-year old baby should contain more Protein
71. Tobacco plant makes nicotine in The leaves

Laws And Principles in Science

--When a body is immersed either wholly or partially in a fluid at rest,the apparent loss of weight sufferedby it is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by it.

--Equal volumes of all gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules.

--A black body absorbs heat or radiates heat more quickly than any other body.

--It increases with the increase of pressure. The presence of impurities also raises the boiling point of a liquid.

--A body will remain at rest only if the vertical line through the centres of gravity passes through the base of support of the body.

--The force between the two electric charges reduces to a quarter of its former value when the distance between them is doubled.

--The amount of chemical change during electrolysis is proportional to the charge passed.

--The masses of substances liberated or deposited by the same quantity of electric charge are proportional to their chemical equivalents.

--In chemical changes, matter is neither created nor destroyed. The sum total of the masses of all the products of a chemical change is exactly equal to the sum total of the substances from which these products have been formed.

--The amount of heat given to a system is equal to the sum of the increase in the internal energy of the system and the external work done.

--It is impossible to construct a continuous self-acting machine that can pump heat energy from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature.

--When an electric current is induced by a change in magnetic field, the induced current is always in such a direction that its magnetic field opposes the change of field which causes the induction.

--E = mc 2 , where E = quantity of energy released from the annihilation of matter of mass'm', c= velocity of light. It implies that mass and energy are interchangeable .

--The rate at which a body cools or loses its heat to its surroundings is proportional to the excess of mean temperature of the body over that of the surroundings, provided this temperature excess is not too large.

--Every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force, directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

--Everybody continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by a force [called Law of Inertia].

--The rate of change of momentum of a moving body is proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction of the force.

--For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

--The amount of current flowing in an electric circuit is governed by the voltage of the battery on dynamo which powers it. In other words, thecurrent through a conductor is directly proportional the potential difference across the conductor and inversely proportional to its resistance.

--Light travels in a straight line. Total internal reflection takes place when a ray of light tries to pass from a denser medium to a rarer medium at an angle of incidence more than the critical angle.

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