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*. The provision of 'vote on account' has been mentioned in Article 116
*. Who was the first woman judge of Supreme Court - Fatima Biwi
*. Article 17 of the Constitution of India lays down the provision of abolition
of - Untouchability
*. In which Schedule to the constitution of India are the forms of oaths
or affirmations enshrined - Third Schedule
*. In Which part of the constitution is 'The Panchayat ' included - part IX
*. which article of the Constitution provides for the authoritative Text of Constitution of India in Hindi Language - Article 394-A
*. At Present the governor's salary stands at - Rs 110000 permonth
*. the president of India can only ratify(that is ,cannot reject or return) -
The Constitutional amendmentbill
*. The pardoning power of the president includes - pardon,commutation,
remission and reprieve
*. a person to be eligible for election as president should have
completed the age of - 35 years
*. In the year 1990 ,by 65th constitutional amendment act,
which commission was established - The National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
*. The judiciary was separated from the Executive in the public service by
- The criminal procedure code 1973
*. The Directive principle of state policy are also rights of an individual
but are - Non-Justifiable in nature
*. Who Said "What is called Directive Principles of State Policy is another name for the instrument of instructions " ? - Dr B R Ambedkar
*. The First Lokpal Bill was introduced in parliament in - May 1968
*. The Need for a separate parliament committee on public
undertaking was first visualized by - Krishna Menon Committee
*. The Governor of a state can nominate to the state legislative council
- One Sixth of total number of the members
*. Money Bill can be introduced inthe legislature only on the
recommendation of - The governor
*. The Supreme Court of India was set - By Regulating Act 1773
*. The Constituent Assembly of India elected Dr Rajendra Prasad as its first president on- January 24,1950
*. The Constituent Assembly held its first meeting on - Dec 19,1946
*. The first elected parliament of India with two Houses came into being in - May 1952
*. The Book- 'The Indian Constitution -Cornerstone of a Nation' is written by
- Granville Austin
*. The Constitution of India is neither rigid nor flexible but - asynthesis of both
*. Who said that Indian Constitution is Quasi-Federal- K C Wheare
*. Directive Principle of State Polity are enumerated in - Part IV of the Constitution of India
*. The chapter of 'Fundamental Duties ' was added by 42nd Constitutional Act of 1976 on the recommendation of - The Swarn Singh Committee (1976)
*. Right to Constitutional Remedies is enshrined in - Article 32 of Indian Constitution
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